What's up Doc?

"What's coming next for Risky Business SOS Doc?"; I hear you ask...

Well the next version 2007.092 is due in late September 2007 and will be a nice tidy up of some niggly cross-platform interface quirks.  Risky Business SOS is a cross-platform application and I want it to look pixel perfect for each host OS that it is running on.  So, I passed the application onto some developer mates and they made some recommendations about Risky Business SOS needing to follow certain  OS conventions; for example, the OK and Cancel buttons are located in different order on PCs and Macs. Risky Business SOS has 50+ dialogs so it took some time to re-code, but it is now looking great, especially on Vista.

I am very happy with the look, stability and functionality of Risky Business SOS and the next version will be the best ever.

If you haven't tried out Risky Business SOS yet, there is a 30 day free demo ready for you to take it for a spin.  Why not download it and give it a go.

On another note...

We have had some great sales recently and from such a disparate range of companies! Plumbers, hardware manufacturers, pharmaceutical exporters etc.  Some businesses are using Hazardous chemicals, so Risky Business SOS is a great fit, but some are just making sure that they have up to date Risk Assessments for hazards and secure Incident registers.  The feedback has been fantastic!


Dr G. Hammond

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